The Book of Common Prayer

And Administration Of The Sacraments And Other Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church According To The Use Of The Church Of England Together With The Psalter Or Psalms Of David Pointed As They Are To Be Sung Or Said In Churches.


STURT, John The Book of Common Prayer And Administration Of The Sacraments And Other Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church According To The Use Of The Church Of England Together With The Psalter Or Psalms Of David Pointed As They Are To Be Sung Or Said In Churches.

Engraven and printed by the permission of Mr. John Baskett printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty Sold by John Sturt engraver in Golden-Lion-Court in Aldersgate-Street 1717.

First edition of Sturt's beautifully engraved Book Of Common Prayer. 8vo, XVIII, 166 pp. (bound without the list of subscribers and advertisement leaf). Contemporary red morocco, decorated gilt. Each page printed from an engraved plate, with decorative borders and illustrations in the text. The volvelle to p.5 is present in this copy, though is often missing. A near fine copy, with some light rubbing to spine but the binding otherwise attractive. Internally fresh. Eighteenth century gift inscription to first blank, bookplate of the Earl Of Normanton to front pastedown.

A very attractive copy of the luxurious Sturt edition of The Book Of Common Prayer, beautifully engraved and well-preserved.
This edition of The Book of Common Prayer is Sturt's masterpiece and took him 3 years to complete. The entire book was engraved by hand on 188 silver plates, which allowed the intricacy of his engraved illustrations to be printed in extreme detail. The frontispiece showing the bust of George I, contains The Lord's Prayer, the Creed, the Commandments, the Prayers for the King and the Royal Family, and the Twenty-First Psalm, all engraved so minutely they can only be read with a magnifying glass.

Rothschild 1987.

Stock ID: 44348


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