On The Shackleton-Rowett Expedition To The South Atlantic And Weddell Seea In 1921-1922.
Report on the Geological Collections Made During the Voyage of the "Quest" On The Shackleton-Rowett Expedition To The South Atlantic And Weddell Seea In 1921-1922.
Printed By Order Of The Trustees Of The British Museum 1930.
First edition. 8vo. Publisher's original gilt-decorated burgundy cloth. Photographic frontispiece, and two further plates. Twenty-six figures in the text including illustrations, maps and plans. A fine copy.
Following the return of the surviving crew from the voyage of the Quest, during which Shackleton lost his life, the expedition's financier presented the natural history collections to the British Museum.
The geological collections made relating to South Georgia were so considerable and important that the museum's director of natural history, Charles Tate Regan, undertook to collect the reports into the present volume.
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