The Works

Comprising: Handley Cross; Hillingdon Hall; Hawbuck Grange; Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour; "Ask Mamma"; Plain or Ringlets; Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds

SURTEES, Robert Smith

SURTEES, Robert Smith The Works Comprising: Handley Cross; Hillingdon Hall; Hawbuck Grange; Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour; "Ask Mamma"; Plain or Ringlets; Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds

Bradbury & Evans, 1847.

Seven volumes, all first editions or first one-volume editions (in the case of the first two titles which were originally published in three). Each finely bound by Zaehnsdorf in full scarlet crushed morocco, with raised bands and elaborate gilt flower motifs to the spine. Gilt borders and decoration to the panels. Silk endpapers with tooled dentelles. Each volume illustrated throughout with hand coloured plates, mainly by Leech. A superb fine, handsome set.

Surtees was educated to be a solicitor, but soon began to contribute to the Sporting Magazine, and in 1831 he published a treatise on the law relating to horses and particularly the law of warranty, entitled The Horseman's Manual. In the following year he helped to found the New Sporting Magazine, of which he was the editor for the next five years. To this periodical he contributed between 1832 and 1834 the papers which were afterwards collected and published in 1838 as Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jollities, the humorous sporting experiences of a cockney grocer. The popularity of the character led him to be reintroduced as master of foxhounds in 'Handley Cross' and the subsequent novels.

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