Album Von Berlin

KING, Jessie M.

Album Von Berlin - ,

Globus Verlag, 1899.

Oblong folio with cloth spine and paper covered boards. The upper cover design by Jessie M King depicting an Art Nouveau maiden in gold halo. Internally illustrated with a series of twenty three photographs of Berlin. A very good copy, with just a little rubbing to the corners.

This book was Jessie's first commission for a book cover and was withdrawn from sale when a complaint was received from "an influential person, possibly the Kaiser (who was known to dislike Art Nouveau)" suggesting that the cover was inappropriate for a book of photographs of the German capital. (Portno - German Cover designs of Jessie M King). Copies of the book were later reissued with a patterned cover.

White p.146

Stock ID: 32228


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Album Von Berlin - ,

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